Friday, November 13, 2009

The lines which are so fresh and eloquent!

Hello Friends,
These are some excerpts from the story called 'THE MONK WHO SOLD HIS FERRARI' by Robin Sharma, one of the best writers at this age!

I am deeply influenced by this book. Now when I am writing this blog, I just crossed some third chapter of this story. The expressive writing of this author is something to be wished alot, even it should be cherished deep by heart!

In these lines, he compares the nature with friendship, where the story gets a rejuvenating point! I am dedicating these lines to all friends, those who love their friends, friendship. And especially this goes close to heart of my dearmost friend Saikumar.

The lines are as follows....
"It didn't take long before the village below was nothing more than a tiny speck on this marvellous canvas of natural splendor. The majesty of the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas made his heart beat faster and, for one long moment, took his breath away. He felt a oneness with his surroundings, a kind of kinship that two old friends might enjoy after many years spent listening to each other's innermost thoughts and laughing at each other's jokes."

I suggest all book readers and those who plan to start book reading from now........
can go to 'The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari'

Wishes To-
Robin Sharma!
My Friends!
Friendship Lovers!

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