Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Casteism Menace in Tamilnadu

Casteism - An unwanted burden, which we still carry on our shoulders... With Pride!
A disgraceful event happened today in Tamilnadu, where a man's dead body was not permitted to go through a 'so-called' upper caste people living area through which is the easiest way to graveyard.
One of the shocking visuals which I came forward today!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

சிதம்பர ரகசியம்!

Former Union finance minister P Chidambaram on the run, in alleged corruption and money laundering cases related to the INX Media case.

A Dog's Way Home, The Film

Yesterday saw this film, A Dog's Way Home and fully engulfed in the memories of my dear favourite lovely dog 'Dheera'

Missing you da... 

Friday, August 16, 2019

UNSC Supports India in Kashmir Issue

நினைப்பதெல்லாம் நடந்துவிட்டால்....

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Pay 100 to get a Closer glimpse of Vaiko!

எம்.பி.ன்னா சும்மாவா!
லைன்'ல வாப்பா!!!

வாட் ப்ரோ…!